October 9th 2011

First elected to public office in 1999, Cllr. Kathleen Kelleher TC is currently serving her third term as a Greystones Town Councillor, having also served a term as a Wicklow County Councillor, 2004 to 2009.
Living in Greystones since 1973, Cllr. Kelleher has helped Greystones to grow and develop to be one of the best places in which to live, not only in Ireland, but in the whole world.
Cllr. Kelleher has an unsurpassed record of community involvement in a wide variety of Greystones organizations, as well as an active role as a public representative. She brings to her profile a wealth of experience and energy combined with a reputation for working well with people and, most importantly, getting things done.
She is committed both to the people she serves and to the town of Greystones.
Posted in General, Greystones, Greystones Town Council, National Politics, Wicklow, Wicklow County Council
August 4th 2011
Greystones Town Council Joint Policing Committee meeting was held last night, 26 July, 2011.
I once again raised the matter of text alerts for the Gardai.
I first raised this matter when I was Chairman of the Co. Wicklow Joint Policing Committee.
Text alerts would work like this.
Members of the public would sign up to receive text alerts when a crime has been committed.
Confirmed information about the crime would be passed to those members of the public.
For example, a description of a getaway car could be made available in minutes.
The general public would then be alert and aware and could provide information about the crime.
Very often, a request for information is made by the Gardai.
But this could be days after the incident.
And peoples’ memories would have faded.
Good policing depends on all of us.
Text alert would help the Gardai to keep us all safe.
Mobile phones and texts are now universally used.
Hospitals and doctors use texts to remind patients of appointments.
Schools use texts to stay in contact with parents and students.
You can order a taxi by text.
You can transfer money by text.
Africa is being transformed by use of mobile phones and texts.
Here, in Rathdown Park, where I live, the Residents Association is using texts.
We keep in contact with residents.
We recently had burglaries.
Residents were alerted within minutes.
And everyone could keep an eye out.
The Gardai have said that they will look into text use.
This will be very welcome.
Posted in General, Greystones, Greystones Town Council
July 21st 2011
I very much welcome the public access arrangements at Greystones Harbour circulated yesterday.
These arrangements will start next week with the erection of the railing at the southern end of the harbour.
It will be great to see serious harbour activity resume.
I look forward to the completion of the Primary Care Centre and the full development of Greystones Harbour.
Greystones will be a great maritime town.
Posted in General, Greystones Town Council